Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Pupils at Robert Gordon's College saw great success in their 2012 SQA Exam Results..There were an astounding 485 Higher presentations in STEM subjects this year by Fifth Year pupils at Gordon's where many studied multiple related courses concurrently. 60% of S5 pupils studied 3 or more subjects within Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. .Gordon's took even further the strong academic tradition of the Aberdeen school with almost one third of Fifth Year pupils achieving 5 As in their Higher results. 91% of the 896 Highers which pupils sat across 32 subjects were passed at A-C grades; the average number of Highers gained by all 189 pupils across the whole of S5 in the College was 4.31. At Advanced Higher in Sixth Year pupils did equally well, with more than half gaining 'A' bands, while 82% were at either A or B Grade. 87% of S4 pupils gained A-B passes at Intermediate 2 and 92% gained Credit passes, that is at Grades 1 or 2, at Standard Grade. ...Pictured (left to right): Molly Scott, Mohamed Elyas, Francesca Christie...(Photo Michal Wachucik/Newsline Scotland)
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